Honeymoon Fund

We plan to honeymoon in Japan in Spring 2025. We’ve traveled around the world a bit, but this will be our first trip together without local friends to guide us. Japan has been a top destination for both of us for quite some time and we’re very excited to experience it together. We’ll begin our trip by relaxing at an onsen (hot spring/bath) for a couple of days, then travel around through cities and countryside. While your presence at our wedding is the only gift we ask for, if you’d like to make a donation to help fund this incredible trip, we sincerely appreciate it!

Image of James & Sara by Logan Combest-Friedman in Bogotá, Colombia

Japan Image Credits via Unsplash: Jezael Melgoza, Atul Vinayak, Samuel Berner, Dovile Ramoskaite, Alex Knight, Sorasak, Tiplada M, Kaori Chin, Takashi Miyazaki, Sora Sagano, Syuhei Inoue, Hennie Stander